A Quick Guide To Crucial Insights About NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens)

3 min readMay 5, 2021

Keeping a tab on the astounding array of information that keeps coming at us about emerging technologies can be challenging. From the buzz about the pricing of Bitcoin to the latest information about blockchain technology and so much more, not knowing enough about the trending blockchain-powered non-fungible tokens (NFTs) should not create a FOMO. This quick guide is here to help you understand everything about NFTs, including what they are, how they work, why they are becoming increasingly valuable, and how you can get started.

What are NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)

NFTs are tokenized representations of tangible and intangible assets such as artwork, contracts, and collectibles on the blockchain. From unique GIFs, tweets, unique wall paintings, and sports trading cards to even a limited-edition pair of Jordans can take the form of NFTs.

Essentially, they are digital content pieces of assets containing unique cryptographic identification codes and metadata that exist on the blockchain. Blockchain is the digital ledger that underpins cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Scarcity is Crucial for NFTs Value Appreciation

NFTs have to be one-of-a-kind or at the very least one-of-a-very-limited-run and mutually not interchangeable, meaning no two NFTs can ever be alike.

The inherent value of NFT assets relies on their scarce nature among otherwise indefinitely available assets. Theoretically, if an in-demand NFT asset’s supply is limited, it increases its value.

NFTs are crucial for digitally and physically validating the scarcity, provenance, and ownership of rare assets. It opens up an infinite number of opportunities for exchanging unique and rare objects like digital art, collectibles, and game pieces.

NFT’s intended scarcity is essential, and it is up to the creator to decide. A creator can make each NFT unique to ensure its scarcity, for instance, as a rare collectible. Or, he may create thousands of replicas, each slightly different, such as a ticket with an allocated seat.

How Do NFTs Work

NFTs are stored on the blockchain, a decentralized public ledger that keeps track of each transaction immutably. Since thousands of computers globally get the same copy of the ledger, nobody can forge the stored information.

Today, Ethereum is one of the most popular blockchain platforms for the development of NFTs. Usually, NFTs are created using Ethereum’s ERC-721 token standard. It is a specification that specifies a minimum set of characteristics that must be present in all non-fungible tokens.

Also, visit this article if you want to understand how to get started with investing in NFTs in detail.

Technical Insights

Each NFT carries its own set of characteristics with itself, such as a unique cryptographic identifier. An NFT cannot be interchangeable with any other fungible or non-fungible tokens. Each token will always have only one owner with an easily verifiable identity on the blockchain.

To put it another way, if you own an NFT, you can easily prove its ownership. If you are an NFT creator, you can easily prove you are the maker of it. All this is possible thanks to blockchain.

Setting Up Automated Royalties

When an investor sells NFTs, contracts on the blockchain can ensure automated royalty payments to their original owners. It is a new idea under development for artists and athletes. It can enable them to sit back and collect royalties once their art or contract gets sold from one person to another.

Also, smart contracts for NFTs can include, for example, rewarding an artist or a player with a portion of any future token sales.

Fractionalizing NFTs

Companies like blocsport.one may also divide NFT into shares or fractions of ownership. It enables investors and fans to own a piece of an NFT without having to purchase the whole thing. As a result, they have a better chance of owning and profiting from the things they could not imagine before. It expands the possibilities for both NFT creators and collectors.

Blocsport.one enables investors to get started with NFT investments with its BS1 tokens.

Users can create, sell, and exchange fractionalized NFTs on NFT marketplaces like NFTdeals.io, as well as DEXs like Uniswap. It ensures there will be more buyers and sellers.

Still confused about all the jargon, connect with the experts at blocsport.one to know everything in detail.

